Feeling Overwhelmed and Unsure of What To Do?

Feeling overwhelmed because you have too much on your plate? Well, you are not alone! Having too much to do and too little time to get everything done is not a recent workplace phenomenon. The research my organization, Bright Enterprises, had conducted with the American Management Association back in the late ‘90s identified that having too much to do in too little time was the number one producer of stress.

Fast forward to 2019, just prior to COVID…the National Management Association, Vistage, the Better Business Bureau, LPGA, WATT, and my organization, conducted a national survey that examined trends arising in the workplace in 2019, compared to 2014. Once again, having too much to do was on the top of the stress charts with 75% of respondents admitting that managers experience more stress because of the multitude of tasks they are being asked to juggle.

What to do? – There are no simple, easy, quick answers available. Perhaps two perspectives might be of value to you and those you know along with a few tips:


  • Readjust your thinking to “this is a temporary phenomenon and accept that having too much to do and too little time characterizes the workplace.”

  • Shift your focus from “trying to get everything done on your to-do list” to “getting tasks and projects done that will add the greatest value and contribute to achieving established goals.”


Be effective at prioritizing how you use your time. A number of CEOs and executives I know said that they make it a habit of asking themselves throughout their workday, “I know this needs to get done, but is this the best use of my time – right now?” Shuffling and reshuffling priorities is what’s needed.

  • Staying aligned with your immediate supervisor. It’s best for you to take the initiative to reach out to your boss to make sure priorities are aligned. Keep in mind, it’s not asking for permission…it’s trying to stay coordinated.

  • Finally, when you are feeling stressed because you have too much on your plate, remind yourself that you are not alone. Ask yourself, “Has anyone in your company been fired lately for not getting everything on their to-do list completed?”

After answering that question, give yourself a chance to catch your breath.

When the day is done, give yourself permission to carry over what didn’t get done to the next day. Close out your day by complimenting yourself on what you did accomplish and the value you brought to your customers, co-workers and team members, boss, and organization!


Have We Crossed the Line?